If you need to solve problems and achieve even more satisfactory results, then the Ishikawa Diagram can be of great use to you! Keep reading to find out more!
Let’s start talking about what the Ishikawa Diagram is: it is a visual tool, in graphic format, that helps in the analysis and visualization of the causes and effects of a specific problem.
It is a methodology used to discover exactly what are the factors that determine these obstacles, as a strategic way to find their solutions.
The Ishikawa Diagram is also known as the Fishbone Diagram, Cause and Effect Diagram, PDCA Fishbone Diagram and the 6 Ms Diagram.
In summary, the Ishikawa Diagram was created to solve problems that impact organizational processes.
Yes, because the method is based on the premise that every problem has a specific cause and that, by knowing its source, it is possible to eliminate it. This involves testing and analyzing each suggestion of causes indicated by the team involved.
The tool also serves to prevent problems and for the continuous improvement of processes. This is possible because the methodology serves to identify the existing relationship between the undesired result (effect) and the various factors (causes) that originate nonconformities.
The diagram can be applied in several occasions. Let’s look at some examples:
- View primary and secondary causes of a problem
- Broaden the vision of the possible causes of a problem, avoiding seeing them in an incomprehensible and inefficient way
- Conduct a survey of resources needed to solve the problem
- General understanding of the problem, uniformly
- Generate improvements in various processes, from the simplest to the most difficult to resolve
Discover some benefits of the Ishikawa Diagram
We have just seen that the Ishikawa Diagram seeks to analyze causes and their respective effects in search of solutions. Therefore, we can say that its main advantage is the increase in productivity.
After all, when problems are easily identified and resolved, time is gained for innovation, strategic planning and task execution.
Another point that we can highlight about the diagram is that it is a simple graphic representation to elaborate and easy to understand, being able to cover any areas and hierarchical levels of the organization.
This also allows for a visual and intuitive record of problems and solutions, enabling a long-term analysis of the operation as a whole, and contributing to planning insights and business strategies.
We can also complement by saying that the Ishikawa Diagram is an efficient method for continuous improvement and team organization, which also improves communication and interpersonal relationships.
In addition, the diagram can still be used in a complementary way to other methodologies, mainly in brainstorming meetings.
In this way, it favors performance in meetings and helps build different perspectives on the same work and company.
It is worth mentioning that the Ishikawa Diagram itself does not identify the severity of the causes, but its origin. This means that conducting the study after the method should start from the management itself, with the effort of the collaborators involved.
Did you already know the Ishikawa Diagram? Do you already apply it or have you ever applied it in your company? We hope this content was useful for you!
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