In the industry, more precisely in their production lines, workers are daily exposed to risks that the handling of industrial machines brings. One of the greatest risks encountered is by those who handle machinery and equipment. Because when handling the machine without the correct direction and in the wrong way, a series of serious or fatal injuries can occur. Such as amputations, burns, among others. So some care is more than necessary with industrial machines.
Currently, there is NR 12 that regulates the entire safety part of machinery and equipment, standardizing which criteria should be analyzed for the proper functioning and safety of those who handle it. This standard is very clear saying that the machines must contain start and stop devices, in addition to others that can prevent work accidents.
In order for NR 12 to be defined, several industrial scenarios were studied and surveys of other technical standards, national and international, were carried out. Then, a convention was held in order to consolidate the arguments found. Establishing preventive measures for occupational safety and hygiene for companies in relation to facilities, operations and maintenance.
Correct and careful handling of industrial machines
Because of this, the handling of industrial machines must be done by a professional with knowledge in the area and experience to avoid accidents. As simple as handling the machine may seem, training is essential. Always emphasizing the correct way to operate the machine and especially the risks that it can cause.
This training must be repeated and updated from time to time, especially for new hired operators. But recycling for more experienced operators is also welcome.
Aside from the operator who handles the machine every day for the entire working day on the production line, the maintenance operator also has its importance. And every industry needs to have its own, or at the very least, rely on an outsourcer. But you can answer calls whenever requested as quickly as possible.
In addition, you need to have control of the equipment energization, in order to prevent accidental activation of the machine by third parties, that is, you need to be a specialized, certified professional, not just a person who “understands” maintenance, so that everyone can stay safe, especially the operator of the machine that uses it daily.
And last but not least, everyone, without exception, must be preventive or corrective, regardless of their role or sector. Speaking specifically of repair, inspection, cleaning and other interventions that are necessary in equipment, they must be performed by trained professionals and with the adoption of safety procedures.
About Geartech BR
Our company is located in Sorocaba-SP, and we have been active since 2001, importing and commercializing a wide variety of high quality products for industries and resellers across the country.
In order to keep up to date with what is most innovative in the market, Geartech BR looked for potential international suppliers that, with a large contribution, provided the company with a set of knowledge and skills.
With all this know-how, Geartech BR is today one of the largest specialists and distributors of electrical insulators in the country, valuing the quality of its products with certification and the satisfaction of its customers and partners. For more details, please contact us. We are waiting for you!