Geartech BR is a reference when it comes to importing and marketing electrical insulators, especially for electric motors. And speaking of electricity, in this article we want to show you which are the main sources of electricity. Keep reading to find out more!
The use of renewable energy sources or not has its environmental impacts and cost difference.
So, get to know some of those that are present in Brazil and what are the main points to take into account when using each one.
Starting with the hydroelectric plant, this is the most used source of electricity in Brazil. It falls under the category of renewable sources. Thus, a positive point is that there is no emission of gases in the atmosphere.
However, it still causes some environmental impacts, such as, for example, the course of rivers, changes in the local fauna and deforestation in the area of the plants.
Even though water is a renewable resource, periods of drought can jeopardize energy generation in this sector. Something that happened last year (2021).
Hydroelectric plants work as follows: the force of water drives turbines inside large built dams. Thus, the mechanical energy of the turbines passes through a converter and generator that transforms it into electricity.
Another of the main sources of electrical energy is wind. As its resource is the wind, it becomes a source of clean electrical energy.
It is used in northeastern Brazilian states. Being a good alternative for the environment, but also has some negative points.
One of them is that this source of electrical energy can harm the migration of birds. The sound impact is great for people who live near the plants. Wind is an unstable resource. And finally, the cost is high.
More examples of electrical energy sources
Another source of electrical energy that uses a natural and clean resource is solar energy. In some regions of Brazil it is already used to serve domestic or commercial networks.
But like all the others, it also has its negative points: the plates that capture solar energy have a very high cost. It also affects bird migration. And the warming of the atmosphere in regions with power plants.
There are two ways to use sunlight as one of the sources of electrical energy, thermal and photovoltaic.
The first uses the heat of light to generate steam and it drives generators that convert the energy.
And the second option uses the solar radiation captured by the panels and this generates a direct current.
Thus, an inverter is the one who does the process of converting it into alternating current for commercial or domestic use.
The last source of electrical energy is through fossil fuels. This is not renewable and causes more serious environmental impacts than the previous ones. However, it is still widely used in countries such as China, India, the United States and Russia.
Examples include oil (gasoline, diesel), coal and natural gas.
In Brazil, this type of electrical energy source is not widely used. But in periods of severe drought, where the levels of hydroelectric dams are far below normal, thermoelectric plants are activated, as last year (2021), for example.
We hope this content has been useful to you! And remember: if you need electrical insulators, contact Geartech BR!